Our Management
Dr. Pan Guangjin
Dr. Pan Guangjin
Dr. Guangjin Pan is Director of CRMH, HKISI-CAS.
He is Professor at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH).
Dr. Pei Duanqing
Dr. Pei Duanqing
Dr. Duanqing Pei is Academic-Director of CRMH, HKISI-CAS.
He is Chair Professor of Regenerative Biology at Westlake University.
Mr. Gong Jucheng
Mr. Gong Jucheng
Mr. Jucheng Gong is Deputy Director of CRMH, HKISI-CAS.
Our Research Team
Dr. Chen Jiekai
Dr. Chen Jiekai
Dr. Li Peng
Dr. Li Peng
Dr. Liu Jing
Dr. Liu Jing
Dr. Liu Xingguo
Dr. Liu Xingguo
Mr. Micky Tortorella
Mr. Micky Tortorella
Dr. Pan Guangjin
Dr. Pan Guangjin
Dr. Pei Duanqing
Dr. Pei Duanqing
Dr. Qin Dajiang
Dr. Qin Dajiang
Dr. Zheng Hui
Dr. Zheng Hui
Our Administration Team
Dr. Wang Yaofeng
Dr. Wang Yaofeng
Acting Head of Science, Technology and Education Department
(Scientific Affairs)
Dr. Gao He
Dr. Gao He
Acting Head of Science, Technology and Education Department
(Administrative Operation)
Mr. Ching  Eddie
Mr. Ching Eddie
Head of Facility and Operation Compliance
Dr. Chen Michelle
Dr. Chen Michelle
Head of HR and BD Department
Ms. Ng Florence
Ms. Ng Florence
Head of Finance Department